Source code for qnm.schwarzschild.tabulated

""" Computing, loading, and storing tabulated Schwarzschild QNMs.

TODO Documentation.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import logging
import pickle
import os

import numpy as np

from ..angular import l_min
from .overtonesequence import SchwOvertoneSeq

# TODO some documentation here, better documentation throughout

[docs]def build_Schw_dict(*args, **kwargs): """ Function to build a dict of Schwarzschild QNMs. Loops over values of (s,l), using SchwOvertoneSeq to find sequences in n. TODO Documentation Parameters ---------- s_arr: [int] [default: [-2, -1, 0]] Array of s values to run over. n_max: int [default: 20] Maximum overtone number to run over (inclusive). l_max: int [default: 20] Maximum angular harmonic number to run over (inclusive). tol: float [default: 1e-10] Tolerance to pass to SchwOvertoneSeq. Returns ------- dict A dict with tuple keys (s,l,n). The value at d[s,l,n] is a tuple (omega, cf_err, n_frac) where omega is the frequency omega_{s,l,n}, cf_err is the estimated truncation error for the continued fraction, and n_frac is the depth of the continued fraction evaluation. """ # TODO: Should we allow any other params to be customizable? s_arr = kwargs.get('s_arr', [-2, -1, 0]) n_max = kwargs.get('n_max', 20) l_max = kwargs.get('l_max', 20) tol = kwargs.get('tol', 1e-10) Schw_dict = {} Schw_err_dict = {} for s in s_arr: ls = np.arange(l_min(s,0),l_max+1) for l in ls: Schw_seq = SchwOvertoneSeq(s=s, l=l, n_max=n_max, tol=tol) try: Schw_seq.find_sequence() except: logging.warn("Failed at s={}, l={}".format(s, l)) for n, (omega, cf_err, n_frac) in enumerate(zip(, Schw_seq.cf_err, Schw_seq.n_frac)): Schw_dict[(s,l,n)] = (np.asscalar(omega), np.asscalar(cf_err), int(n_frac)) Schw_dict[(-s,l,n)] = Schw_dict[(s,l,n)] return Schw_dict
[docs]def default_pickle_file(): """Give the default path of the QNM dict pickle file, `<dirname of this file>/data/Schw_dict.pickle`. Returns ------- string `<dirname of this file>/data/Schw_dict.pickle` """ return os.path.abspath( '{}/data/Schw_dict.pickle'.format( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
[docs]class QNMDict(object): """ Object for getting/holding/(pre-)computing Schwarzschild QNMs. This class uses the "borg" pattern, so the table of precomputed values will be shared amongst all instances of the class. A set of precomputed QNMs can be loaded/stored from a pickle file with :meth:`load_dict()` and :meth:`write_dict()`. The main interface is via the special :meth:`__call__()` method which is invoked via `object(s,l,n)`. If the QNM labeled by (s,l,n) has already been computed, it will be returned. Otherwise we try to compute it and then return it. Attributes ---------- seq_dict: dict Keys are tuples (s,l) which label an overtone sequence of QNMs. Values are instances of :class:`qnm.schwarzschild.overtonesequence.SchwOvertoneSeq`. loaded_from_disk: bool Whether or not any modes have been loaded from disk Parameters ---------- init: bool, optional [default: False] Whether or not to call :meth:`load_dict()` when initializing this instance. dict_pickle_file: string, optional [default: from default_pickle_file()] Path to pickle file that holds precomputed QNMs. If the value is None, get the default from :meth:`default_pickle_file()`. """ # Borg pattern, the QNM table will be shared among all instances _shared_state = {} loaded_from_disk = False # TODO: should we take a dict to pass to SchwOvertoneSeq? def __init__(self, init=False, dict_pickle_file=default_pickle_file()): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state if (not hasattr(self, 'seq_dict')): # First! self.seq_dict = {} if (init): self.load_dict(dict_pickle_file=dict_pickle_file)
[docs] def load_dict(self, dict_pickle_file=default_pickle_file()): """ Load a Schw QNM dict from disk. Parameters ---------- dict_pickle_file: string [default: from default_pickle_file()] Filename for reading (or writing) dict of Schwarzschild QNMs """ try: with open(dict_pickle_file, 'rb') as handle:"Loading Schw QNM dict from file {}".format(dict_pickle_file)) loaded = pickle.load(handle) self.seq_dict.update(loaded) self.loaded_from_disk = True except UnicodeDecodeError as e: with open(dict_pickle_file, 'rb') as handle:"Loading Schw QNM dict from file {}".format(dict_pickle_file)) loaded = pickle.load(handle, encoding='latin1') self.seq_dict.update(loaded) self.loaded_from_disk = True except:"Could not load Schw QNM dict from file {}".format(dict_pickle_file)) self.loaded_from_disk = False return
[docs] def write_dict(self, dict_pickle_file=default_pickle_file()): """Write the current state of the QNM dict to disk. Parameters ---------- dict_pickle_file: string [default: from default_pickle_file()] Filename for reading (or writing) dict of Schwarzschild QNMs """ _the_dir = os.path.dirname(dict_pickle_file) if not os.path.exists(_the_dir): try: os.makedirs(_the_dir) except: logging.warn("Could not create dir {} to store Schw QNM dict".format(_the_dir)) try: with open(dict_pickle_file, 'wb') as handle:"Writing Schw QNM dict to file {}".format(dict_pickle_file)) pickle.dump(self.seq_dict, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except: logging.warn("Could not write Schw QNM dict to file {}".format(dict_pickle_file)) return
[docs] def __call__(self, s, l, n): """Get the Schwarzschild QNM labeled by (s,l,n). If the QNM has already been computed, immediately return that value. If the (s,l) sequence is in the dict, but n has not been computed, extend the sequence to n and return the QNM. If the (s,l) sequence is not already in the dict, add it to the dict out to overtone n. Parameters ---------- s: int Spin weight of the field. l: int Multipole number of the QNM. n: int Overtone number of the QNM. Returns ------- (complex, double, int) The complex value is the QNM frequency. The double is the estimated truncation error for the continued fraction. The int is the depth of the continued fraction evaluation. Raises ------ TODO """ # TODO Check values of (s,l) if ((s,l) not in self.seq_dict.keys()): self.seq_dict[(s,l)] = SchwOvertoneSeq(s=s, l=l, n_max=n) seq = self.seq_dict[(s,l)] # This is idempotent, no danger in "extending" if the data # have already been computed. Go to n+2 to try to guard # against skipping an overtone in the sequence. # This can raise an exception. seq.extend(n_max=n+2) return ([n], seq.cf_err[n], int(seq.n_frac[n]))