
Follow a QNM labeled by (s,l,m,n) as spin varies from a=0 upwards.


KerrSpinSeq(*args, **kwargs) Object to follow a QNM up a sequence in a, starting from a=0.
class qnm.spinsequence.KerrSpinSeq(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Object to follow a QNM up a sequence in a, starting from a=0. Values for omega and the separation constant from one value of a are used to seed the root finding for the next value of a, to maintain continuity in a when separation constant order can change. Uses NearbyRootFinder to actually perform the root-finding.

a_max: float [default: .99]

Maximum dimensionless spin of black hole for the sequence, 0 <= a_max < 1.

delta_a: float [default: 0.005]

Step size in a for following the sequence from a=0 to a_max

delta_a_min: float [default: 1.e-5]

Minimum step size in a.

delta_a_max: float [default: 4.e-3]

Maximum step size in a.

s: int [default: 2]

Spin of field of interest

m: int [default: 2]

Azimuthal number of mode of interest

l: int [default: 2]

The l-number of a sequence starting from the analytically-known value at a=0

l_max: int [default: 20]

Maximum value of l to include in the spherical-spheroidal matrix for finding separation constant and mixing coefficients. Must be sufficiently larger than l of interest that angular spectral method can converge. The number of l’s needed for convergence depends on a.

omega_guess: complex [default: from schwarzschild.QNMDict]

Initial guess of omega for root-finding

tol: float [default: sqrt(double epsilon)]

Tolerance for root-finding omega

cf_tol: float [defailt: 1e-10]

Tolerance for continued fraction calculation

n: int [default: 0]

Overtone number of interest (sets the inversion number for infinite continued fraction in Leaver’s method)

Nr: int [default: 300]

Truncation number of radial infinite continued fraction. Must be sufficiently large for convergence.

Nr_min: int [default: Nr]

Minimum number of terms for evaluating continued fraction.

Nr_max: int [default: 4000]

Maximum number of terms for evaluating continued fraction.

r_N: complex [default: 0.j]

Seed value taken for truncation of infinite continued fraction. UNUSED, REMOVE


__call__(self, a[, store, interp_only, …]) Solve for omega, A, and C[] at a given spin a.
build_interps(self) Build interpolating functions for omega(a) and A(a).
do_find_sequence(self) Solve for the “spin sequence”, i.e.
__call__(self, a, store=False, interp_only=False, resolve_if_found=False)[source]

Solve for omega, A, and C[] at a given spin a.

This uses the interpolants, based on the solved sequence, for initial guesses of omega(a) and A(a).

a: float

Value of spin, 0 <= a < 1.

store: bool, optional [default: False]

Whether or not to save newly solved data in sequence. Warning, this can produce a slowdown if a lot of data needs to be moved.

interp_only: bool, optional [default: False]

If False, use the Leaver solver to polish the interpolated guess. If True, just use the interpolated guess.

resolve_if_found: bool, optional [default: False]

If False, and the value of a is found in the sequence, the previously-found solution is returned. If True, the Leaver solver will be used to polish the root with the current parameters for the solver.

complex, complex, complex ndarray

The first element of the tuple is omega. The second element of the tuple is A. The third element of the tuple is the array of complex spherical-spheroidal decomposition coefficients. For documentation on the format of the spherical-spheroidal decomposition coefficient array, see qnm.angular or qnm.angular.C_and_sep_const_closest().


Build interpolating functions for omega(a) and A(a).

This is automatically called at the end of do_find_sequence().


Solve for the “spin sequence”, i.e. solve for the QNM as we go up in spin.