Source code for qnm.schwarzschild.overtonesequence

""" Follow a Schwarzschild QNM sequence (s,l) from n=0 upwards.

The class :class:`SchwOvertoneSeq` makes it possible to find
successive overtones (n's) of a QNM labeled by (s,l), in Schwarzschild
(a=0). See its documentation for more details.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize, interpolate

from ..angular import l_min, swsphericalh_A
from ..nearby import NearbyRootFinder
from .approx import dolan_ottewill_expansion

# TODO some documentation here, better documentation throughout

[docs]class SchwOvertoneSeq(object): """Object to follow a sequence of Schwarzschild overtones, starting from n=0. First two overtone seeds come from approx.dolan_ottewill_expansion, and afterwards linear extrapolation on the solutions is used to seed the root finding for higher values of n. Uses :class:`qnm.nearby.NearbyRootFinder` to actually perform the root-finding. Attributes ---------- A: float Value of the angular separation constant. n: array of int Overtone numbers. omega: np.array of complex The QNM frequencies along the overtone sequence, element i is overtone i. cf_err: np.array of float Estimate of continued fraction truncation error in solving for QNM frequency. n_frac: np.array of int Truncation number of continued fraction. solver: NearbyRootFinder Instance of :class:`qnm.nearby.NearbyRootFinder` that is used to find the QNMs. Parameters ---------- n_max: int [default: 12] Maximum overtone number to search for (must be positive). s: int [default: 2] Spin weight of field of interest. [The m parameter is omitted because this is just for Schwarzschild.] l: int [default: 2] The multipole number of a sequence starting from the analytically-known value at a=0 . tol: float [default: 1e-10] Tolerance for root-finding. Nr: int [default: 300] Truncation number of radial infinite continued fraction. Must be sufficiently large for convergence. r_N: complex [default: 0.j] Seed value taken for truncation of infinite continued fraction. Examples -------- Suppose you want the n=5 overtone for (s=-1, l=3): >>> from qnm.schwarzschild.overtonesequence import SchwOvertoneSeq >>> seq = SchwOvertoneSeq(s=-1, l=3, n_max=5) >>> seq.find_sequence() >>> print([5]) (0.503901745408196-1.1703558890487784j) Later, you want to go out to n=8: >>> seq.extend(n_max=8) >>> print([8]) (0.422790929389591-1.9136575597714867j) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Read args self.n_max = kwargs.get('n_max', 12) self.s = kwargs.get('s', -2) self.l = kwargs.get('l', 2) self.tol = kwargs.get('tol', 1e-10) self.Nr = kwargs.get('Nr', 300) self.Nr_min = self.Nr self.Nr_max = kwargs.get('Nr_max', 6000) self.r_N = kwargs.get('r_N', 0.j) # TODO check that values make sense!!! if not (self.l >= l_min(self.s, 0)): raise ValueError("l={} must be >= l_min={}" .format(self.l, l_min(self.s, 0))) # We know the Schwarzschild separation constant analytically self.A = swsphericalh_A(self.s, self.l, 0) # Create array of n's and omega's self.n = [] = np.array([], dtype=complex) self.cf_err = np.array([]) self.n_frac = np.array([]) # We need and instance of root finder self.solver = NearbyRootFinder(s=self.s, m=0, l_max=self.l + 1, a=0., A_closest_to=self.A, tol=self.tol, n_inv=0, Nr=self.Nr, Nr_max=self.Nr_max, r_N=self.r_N)
[docs] def find_sequence(self): """ Alias for :meth:`extend()` """ self.extend()
[docs] def extend(self, n_max=None): """ Extend the current overtone sequence to a greater n_max. Parameters ---------- n_max: int, optional [default: None] If is None, use the value of self.n_max . If given, set self.n_max to this new value and proceed. Raises ------ optimize.nonlin.NoConvergence If a root can't be found within a few [TODO make param?] attempted inversion numbers. """ if (n_max is not None): self.n_max = n_max while (len( <= self.n_max): n = len( self.solver.clear_results() self.solver.set_params(n_inv=n) if (n < 2): omega_guess = dolan_ottewill_expansion(self.s, self.l, n) else: # Linearly extrapolate from the last two om_m_1 =[-1] om_m_2 =[-2] om_diff = om_m_1 - om_m_2 # Linearly interpolate omega_guess = om_m_1 + om_diff if (n > 5): # Check if this difference is greater than the typical spacing # of the last few points typ_sp = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff([-6:-1]))) if (np.abs(om_diff) > 2. * typ_sp): # It's likely we skipped an overtone. # Average and go back one omega_guess = (om_m_1 + om_m_2)/2. self.solver.set_params(n_inv=n-1)"Potentially skipped an overtone " "in the series, trying to go back") self.solver.set_params(omega_guess=omega_guess) # Try to reject previously-found poles self.solver.set_poles( # Flag: is the continued fraction expansion converging? cf_conv = False while not cf_conv: result = self.solver.do_solve() if (result is None): # Potentially try the next inversion number cur_inv_n = self.solver.n_inv cur_inv_n = cur_inv_n + 1 self.solver.set_params(n_inv=cur_inv_n) if (np.abs(cur_inv_n - n) > 2): # Got too far away, give up raise optimize.nonlin.NoConvergence('Failed to find ' 'QNM in sequence ' 'at n={}'.format(n)) else:"Trying inversion number {}".format(cur_inv_n)) # Try again continue # Ensure we start on the "positive frequency" # sequence. This only works for Schwarzscdhild because # there the separation constant is real. if (np.real(result) < 0): result = -np.conjugate(result) cf_err, n_frac = self.solver.get_cf_err() # TODO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING WITH THESE NUMBERS cf_conv = True if cf_conv: # Done with this value of n"s={}, l={}, found what I think is " "n={}, omega={}".format(self.s, self.l, n, result)) self.n.append(n) = np.append(, result) self.cf_err = np.append(self.cf_err, cf_err) self.n_frac = np.append(self.n_frac, n_frac) # Make sure we sort properly! ind_sort = np.argsort(-np.imag( =[ind_sort] self.cf_err = self.cf_err[ind_sort] self.n_frac = self.n_frac[ind_sort] else: # For the next attempt, try starting where we # ended up self.solver.set_params(omega_guess=result)
# Now try again, because cf_conv is still False