Source code for qnm.angular

""" Solve the angular Teukolsky equation via spectral decomposition.

For a given complex QNM frequency ω, the separation constant and
spherical-spheroidal decomposition are found as an eigenvalue and
eigenvector of an (infinite) matrix problem.  The interface to solving
this problem is :meth:`C_and_sep_const_closest`, which returns a
certain eigenvalue A and eigenvector C.  The eigenvector contains the
C coefficients in the equation

.. math:: {}_s Y_{\ell m}(\\theta, \phi; a\omega) = {\sum_{\ell'=\ell_{\min} (s,m)}^{\ell_\max}} C_{\ell' \ell m}(a\omega)\ {}_s Y_{\ell' m}(\\theta, \phi) \,.

Here ℓmin=max(|m|,|s|) (see :meth:`l_min`), and ℓmax can be chosen at
run time. The C coefficients are returned as a complex ndarray, with
the zeroth element corresponding to ℓmin.  You can get the associated
ℓ values by calling :meth:`ells`.

TODO More documentation.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import numpy as np

# TODO some documentation here, better documentation throughout

def _calF(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (52b) """

    if ((0==s) and (0 == l+1)):
        # This can only happen when solving for the mode labeled by s=0, l=0, m=0
        return 0.

    return (np.sqrt( ((l+1)**2 - m*m) / (2*l+3) / (2*l+1) )
            * np.sqrt( ( (l+1)**2  - s*s)  / (l+1)**2 ))

def _calG(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (52c) """
    if (0 == l):
        return 0.

    return np.sqrt( ( l*l - m*m ) / (4*l*l - 1)) * np.sqrt(1 - s*s/l/l)

def _calH(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (52d) """
    if (0 == l) or (0 == s):
        return 0.

    return - m*s/l/(l+1)

def _calA(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (53a) """
    return _calF(s,l,m) * _calF(s,l+1,m)

def _calD(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (53b) """
    return _calF(s,l,m) * (_calH(s,l+1,m)  + _calH(s,l,m))

def _calB(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (53c) """
    return (_calF(s,l,m) * _calG(s,l+1,m)
            + _calG(s,l,m) * _calF(s,l-1,m)
            + _calH(s,l,m)**2)

def _calE(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (53d) """
    return _calG(s,l,m) * (_calH(s,l-1,m) + _calH(s,l,m))

def _calC(s, l, m):
    """ Eq. (53e) """
    return _calG(s,l,m) * _calG(s,l-1,m)

[docs]def swsphericalh_A(s, l, m): """ Angular separation constant at a=0. Eq. (50). Has no dependence on m. The formula is A_0 = l(l+1) - s(s+1) Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest l: int Angular quantum number of interest m: int Magnetic quantum number, ignored Returns ------- int Value of A(a=0) = l(l+1) - s(s+1) """ return l*(l+1) - s*(s+1)
[docs]def M_matrix_elem(s, c, m, l, lprime): """ The (l, lprime) matrix element from the spherical-spheroidal decomposition matrix from Eq. (55). Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of the spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number l: int Angular quantum number of interest lprime: int Primed quantum number of interest Returns ------- complex Matrix element M_{l, lprime} """ if (lprime == l-2): return -c*c*_calA(s,lprime,m) if (lprime == l-1): return (-c*c*_calD(s,lprime,m) + 2*c*s*_calF(s,lprime,m)) if (lprime == l ): return (swsphericalh_A(s,lprime,m) - c*c*_calB(s,lprime,m) + 2*c*s*_calH(s,lprime,m)) if (lprime == l+1): return (-c*c*_calE(s,lprime,m) + 2*c*s*_calG(s,lprime,m)) if (lprime == l+2): return -c*c*_calC(s,lprime,m) return 0.
# I don't know if this is necessary ... can just iterate
[docs]def give_M_matrix_elem_ufunc(s, c, m): """Gives ufunc that implements matrix elements of the spherical-spheroidal decomposition matrix. Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of the spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number Returns ------- ufunc Implements elements of M matrix """ def elem(l, lprime): return M_matrix_elem(s, c, m, l, lprime) return np.frompyfunc(elem, 2, 1)
[docs]def l_min(s, m): """ Minimum allowed value of l for a given s, m. The formula is l_min = max(|m|,|s|). Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest m: int Magnetic quantum number Returns ------- int l_min """ return np.max([np.abs(s), np.abs(m)])
[docs]def ells(s, m, l_max): """Vector of ℓ values in C vector and M matrix. The format of the C vector and M matrix is that the 0th element corresponds to l_min(s,m) (see :meth:`l_min`). Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest m: int Magnetic quantum number l_max: int Maximum angular quantum number Returns ------- int ndarray Vector of ℓ values, starting from l_min """ return np.arange(l_min(s,m), l_max+1)
[docs]def M_matrix(s, c, m, l_max): """Spherical-spheroidal decomposition matrix truncated at l_max. Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of the spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number l_max: int Maximum angular quantum number Returns ------- complex ndarray Decomposition matrix """ _ells = ells(s, m, l_max) uf = give_M_matrix_elem_ufunc(s, c, m) return uf.outer(_ells,_ells).astype(complex)
[docs]def sep_consts(s, c, m, l_max): """Finds eigenvalues of decomposition matrix, i.e. the separation constants, As. Parameters ---------- s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number l_max: int Maximum angular quantum number Returns ------- complex ndarray Eigenvalues of spherical-spheroidal decomposition matrix """ return np.linalg.eigvals(M_matrix(s, c, m, l_max))
[docs]def sep_const_closest(A0, s, c, m, l_max): """Gives the separation constant that is closest to A0. Parameters ---------- A0: complex Value close to the desired separation constant. s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number l_max: int Maximum angular quantum number Returns ------- complex Separation constant that is the closest to A0. """ As = sep_consts(s, c, m, l_max) i_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(As-A0)) return As[i_closest]
[docs]def C_and_sep_const_closest(A0, s, c, m, l_max): """Get a single eigenvalue and eigenvector of decomposition matrix, where the eigenvalue is closest to some guess A0. Parameters ---------- A0: complex Value close to the desired separation constant. s: int Spin-weight of interest c: complex Oblateness of spheroidal harmonic m: int Magnetic quantum number l_max: int Maximum angular quantum number Returns ------- complex, complex ndarray The first element of the tuple is the eigenvalue that is closest in value to A0. The second element of the tuple is the corresponding eigenvector. The 0th element of this ndarray corresponds to :meth:`l_min`. """ As, Cs = np.linalg.eig(M_matrix(s, c, m, l_max)) i_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(As-A0)) return As[i_closest], Cs[:,i_closest]